America's New Dietary Guidelines Released Is Not Getting Any Good Reviews From The Food Industry

The United States is releasing new dietary guidelines every five years and this is not something new to entrepreneurs in the food industry. However, this new guideline that the federal government recently announced to be implemented is not showing any favors to the people in the food industry and they have a lot of things to say against it.

The LA Times published this issue of backlash coming from huge companies and agencies dealing with the food industry and based on their report, there is no way these people who would be affected by the new guidelines would just keep their silence about the possible results to their business.

The said guidelines for this year are still on the works and it is being finished by the Department of Agriculture and Health and Human Services. These guidelines will deal on the subject of sustainability, which address the problems and solutions on what the human race could grow to eat.

Generally speaking, the kinds of food that the government would be dealing here involve fresh produce like vegetables, crops and dairy products. Nutritionists say that these foods are already heavily consumed these days. Food Politics quoted Marion Nestle who is a nutrition expert saying, "This is about politics, not science."

Earlier this week, Secretary Sylvia Burwell from HHS and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack confirmed that sustainability wouldn't be part of the guidelines. Their statement needed to be made in before the House Agriculture Committee and they answered complaints from different members of the panel who think that "neither evidence, expertise, nor charter" should have anything to do with sustainability and have it part of the guidelines.

People should be aware that these guidelines doesn't necessarily affect everybody, only some Americans but it is however a must to others like the military and people who have low income just to name a few.

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