Food Biz
Aspirin Heart Attack: Medical Advisers Panel Say One Aspirin A Day COULD Keep Doctor Away For Some People In Their 50s
Study: Higher Fish Consumption Could Reduce Risk Of Depression
A high intake of fish is frequently regarded as being part of a healthy diet. New research found out that eating a large amount of fish could help protect against depression. New Cafe in Japan Has Bikini Clad Waitresses Posed as Your Wife
Japan has been known to invent a lot of weird and unique stuff. Either for theatrical or convenience purposes some will definitely strike you as something that only Japan can do. From silly game shows to "umbrella ties", Japan has once more proved its "out of the box" thinking by opening a cafe where waitresses are dressed in bikini pretending to be customer's wife. Next Generation Medicine for Pets to be Made from Cannabis
Veterinarians and companies are looking into cannabis by-product CBD as medicine for common pet ailments. Kerry Simon Chef, 60 Year-Old ‘Iron Chef’ From Las Vegas, Passes Away After Battling Parkinson’s Similar Illness
One of the biggest cooks and restaurateurs in Sin City, Kerry Simon chef, has unfortunately passed away after battling Multiple System Atrophy, a condition with similar symptoms to Parkinson's Disease, for the past couple of years. Burning Man Quiznos: Black Rock City Festival Taking NO Jokes, Quiznos Spoof Might End In Lawsuit [VIDEO]
The annual Burning Man festival in the temporary Black Rock City in Nevada has turned over the course of its almost three decades running into the staple of creativity and art experimentation, something that has caused it to get mocked on more than one occasion - including the Burning Man Quiznos spoof. Shaquille O’Neal Starbucks: Could’ve Endorsed Coffee Giant During NBA Career … Reason For Bailing On Howard Schultz Is Really Weird [VIDEO]
Over the course of a career that has earned Shaq hundreds of millions of dollars, the basketball star and current analyst on "Inside the NBA" made many extremely lucrative endorsement deals, including Reebok and Burger King, but there's one he passed out on for a completely random reason: Shaquille O'Neal's Starbucks deal. Jake Gyllenhaal KFC: Taylor Swift’s Oscar-Nominated Ex Once Sent Colonel Sanders’ Chain A Complaint Letter Over THIS Discontinued Menu Item
Long before Jake Gyllenhaal became one of the top actors in Hollywood with one Oscar nomination under his name and Taylor Swift in his dating history, he was a child who loved to eat fried chicken (like just about all children), and when a fast food chain discontinued his favorite menu item, Jake Gyllenhaal's KFC response came loud and clear. Heineken Craft Beer: Dutch Brewing Company Buys 50% Stake Of California’s Lagunitas Beer, Going International Taking Giant Leap In Craft Brewing
Heineken Lager Beer has been around for way more than a century, as it was created on 1873, and the Dutch-based drink has become one of the most popular of its kind throughout the world, with even the most famous spy on film history, James Bond, drinking it - but now, as local breweries become more popular, there will be a new Heineken craft beer. California Dessert Shop Allows Customers to Make Their Own ‘Boozed S’mores' [VIDEO]
A dessert shop in Orange County is allowing adult customers to have a mixture of nostalgia and the present time. Torch S'more Co. innovated a way for customers to get creative with their S’mores. They just have to choose from several flavors including marshmallow, chocolate and wafer, as well as the restaurant’s alcohol-based selections. National Cheese Toast Day: Sizzler Celebrates on Sept. 15 with Free Toast for Everyone
Sizzler is known for its signature cheese toast, and because it’s “National Cheese Toast Day” on September 15, who else but Sizzler is going to give everyone FREE slices of their famous bread. Gluten Free Beer is the Next Big Thing
Gluten Free Beers are making their way into the shelves. Gluten-free diet is making its way into the food industry. This may be a trend, but numerous dietitians however stated that gluten free food is entirely unnecessary for most of the population. Stress Can Sabotage Your Diet
A new Swiss study suggests that stress can weaken a person’s will power to choose healthier food options when making food decisions. Monsanto Lawsuit: French Court Upholds 2012 Chemical Poisoning Ruling, GMO Giant ‘Responsible’ For Farmer’s Neurological Damage
Over the past few years, Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs have come under fire over the effects that crops of this nature have on the environment and people, particularly farmers, and so it's not surprising to see that the biggest company of this nature in court over this, as Monsanto's lawsuit sees the GMO giant losing a battle. FDA Food Safety: After Blue Bell Scare, Government Takes Biggest Step In Protection Against Foodborne Diseases Since 1906
Months after Texas-based ice cream makers Blue Bell gave the country a major scare after listeria was found in a number of their products, the Food and Health Administration is taking the biggest step in the past century regarding protection against foodborne diseases, through new FDA food safety rules.