Buckle up, Buttercup - we're traveling to Pickle Town on a cola-infused wave of bubbly Dr Pepper. The newest trend to take the internet by storm is the ultra-odd order of a fountain Dr Pepper topped with dill pickle slices. Like a Shirley Temple topped with mounds of neon red Maraschino cherries - but with ... pickles. Sounds like something Snooki dreamt up while she was pregnant. But apparently, this pickly pop is all the rage over at Sonic.
Mississippi Memaw, Queen of the Pickle Dr. Pepper
A fearless soul who goes by Mississippi Memaw on TikTok went viral after posting a video of herself ordering her Dr Pepper with pickles in the Sonic drive-thru. The cashier was wholly unfazed by her order and told Memaw that her receipt would show cherries, "but that's the pickles."
Spoiler Alert: Memaw claims it's "really good, y'all should try it!"
The internet, as always, is divided. Some folks are intrigued; others swear they'd never sully their taste buds with such an abomination.
@mississippimemaw Pickle Dr Pepper #pickle #sonic #sonicdrivein #pickles #fyp #fastfood #mississippi ♬ original sound - Mississippi Memaw
Is This a Thing, or Just Mississippi Memaw Being Extra?
Believe it or not, Memaw isn't the Einstein of all things pickly-peppery. Apparently, this drink has been around for a while, and it's known as a "Dr Pepper Pucker" - though it certainly hasn't reached peak mainstream yet.
Sonic itself is staying mum on whether they'll bless us (or curse us) with a permanent Pickle Dr Pepper menu item, but that doesn't mean you can't try it yourself, right?
Should You Dive into this Pickle Dr Pepper Pool?
If you're feeling adventurous (or just really love pickles), then go for it! Worst case scenario: You learn a valuable lesson about trusting strangers on the internet.