Val Kilmer Baffles With Bizarre 'Top Gun 2' Announcements

For a few hours last night, it looked like a Francis Ford Coppola directed sequel to Top Gun was coming to theatres.

The rumors sprung up thanks to a string of bold Facebook status updates from Val Kilmer, who appeared to be announcing his involvement in the sequel while namedropping the impressive roster of Hollywood heavyweights that would be joining him.

The veteran actor, famous for playing Iceman in the original, got the gossip mill buzzing with this status:

"I just got offered Top Gun 2 - not often you get to say "yes" without reading the script... "It's starring Gene Hackman..." "Yes" "The director is Francis Coppola..." "Yes!"

"Jerry Bruckheimer and Tom Cruise!!! "Yes." We will all miss Tony Scott one of the kindest gentlemen I've ever met in the film biz, but let's fire up some fighter jets again!!!"

As expected, fans went ballistic at the thought of some of cinema's all-time legends coming together to work on a blockbuster action film.

Unfortunately it was all a misunderstanding, with Kilmer posting a follow-up a few hours later saying:

"Francis Coppola and Gene Jackman are examples of what an actor says "yes" to. They are not involved. So sorry for the misunderstanding."

Kilmer also edited his original to post to clarify the mistake adding this revision at the bottom:

"This is a long way off so calm down. This has been talked about for a long long time and being offered a role is very different from doing a role. I jumped the gun with my post. I jumped the topgun... An innocent mistake. It was just such a wonderful phone call with my agent..."

So it looks like a Top Gun sequel may indeed be in the works, just don't expect Gene Hackman and Francis Ford Coppola to be in it.

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