What You Eat is What You Become!

There are some type of food and goodies that can affect a person's mood. Having bad moods would definitely make people think that there nmust be a reason behind such attitude. Being in a good mood is most likely the state everyone wantrs.

.A lot of succulent treats and goodies can make a person feel better and boost the mood as well as one's personality. Stress is a very powerful factor why most of the people nowadays are not in the mood and usually causes disagreements, depression and most of all, wrinkles! Sweet treats like chocolate would absolutely take the stress away while the chocolate is melting in your mouth. But what about other food?

According to a study there are assertive kinds of food that can exhilarate the part of the brain. Based on a Psychopharmacology study, those who drank and ate chocolate once a day are the ones who are more tranquil and cheery than those who did not.

The study also concluded that the mood can also depend on how good the food is Food that increases or keeps the serotonin in the brain would absolutely make a person feel better. Food with Protein , Carbs and easy to digest are the best kinds of food that can mostly make you a happier and contented person.

Women that are in menopausal stage are suggested to consume more vegetables to protect themselves from depression. Vegetable doesn't just make protect a person from depression but it can also avoid illness which is the number 1 factor of having a bad mood and unhealthy lifestyle.

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