Chocolates Can Be Medicine Too

Good News sweet tooth! Scientists from a Boston based firm has invented a chocolate with medicinal value.

Kuka Xoco, the company behind this genius news that specializes in herbal technology, have discovered an ingredient that will de-bitter Cacao in the form of an herb found in Andean region of Bolivia and Peru.

Cacao, the key ingredient in every chocolate in its raw form is bitter but has a variety of antioxidants and minerals that has health benefits such as reducing stroke risk, protecting the nervous system, lowering blood pressure and increases good cholesterol.

Speaking at the World Chocolate Forum in London this week, Gregory Aharonian, president and chief scientist at Kuka Xoco, stated before the press that because of that little-used herb, they have developed chocolates that only contain 35% fat: "This eliminates the need for sugar, sweeteners and much of the fat in chocolate, unleashing the medical benefits of cacao," the Daily Mail reports.

He explains that using just a tiny amount of the said plant extract can completely de-bitter large amounts of unsweetened cacao.

Aharonian also described sugar as 'the next nicotine' and reasoned that if only the unhealthy ingredients were removed from chocolate, such as sugar and artificial flavors, then it could be eaten medicinally. "In America, the $100billion-a-year chocolate industry could become a $200billion-a-year health food industry, if only much of the sugar and fat could be removed."

He also added that artificial sweeteners have been terrible ingredient leading people to weight gain, obesity and other problematic health complications.

Kuka Xoco's long-term goal, is to develop chocolate with just 10% of fat and sugar. "We look forward to working with the chocolate industry to make chocolate the most fun medicine."

The firm, which is also based in Bolivia announced that its product is set to go on sale next year.

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