Heidi Klum Responds To Offensive Donald Trump Comments

Heidi Klum has just brushed off Donald Trump's comments about her in the best way possible.

After the real estate mogul and Republican presidential hopeful told The New York Times that Klum was 'no longer a 10' when responding to a question regarding his views on women, she responded with this hilarious video posted on twitter last Monday.

'#TrumpHasSpoken #sadly #9.99 #NoLongerA10 #IHadAGoodRun #donaldtrump #trumped #HeidiTrumpsTrump #BeautyIsInTheEyeOfTheBeheld,' she said in her tweet.

The following day, she appeared on Access Hollywood Live to further speak her mind regarding Trump's misogynistic statement. In an interview backstage at Klum's show America's Got Talent, she told correspondent Scott Evans that she believes Trump is 'doing a number' on women.

"I was just making light of the situation because it was kind of funny I thought, and I just thought, make it even more funny," she said of her initial response on Twitter.

Despite the humorous nature of the post, she feels the whole incident is a lot more serious and deserves more attention.

Klum believes women have a lot on their plate, juggling their personal lives with their career and the responsibilities of raising a family,so throwing Trump's high standards of beauty into the mix is really unfair. She proudly exclaimed that 'all women are a ten.'

Heidi Klum also wondered why Trump would bring her name up in an interview about his candidacy for president.

"Personally, I have no idea what I have to do with the election, why do I come into play with this election? Like that doesn't make sense to me to be honest with you."

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