According to Medical News Today, drinking coffee provides several health benefits to human body, including prevention of diabetes, lower the risk of liver cancer and is good for the hearth.
However there is also a risk that caffeine may cause anxiety and depression.
As the argument about the coffee goes on, here comes another breakthrough for the health community, suggesting that coffee can prevent dementia.
A new study suggests that drinking coffee can help protect against mild cognitive impairment (MCI) a precursor to dementia and Alzheimers. However, researchers found out that the effects of coffee may vary on the amount of intake.
According to the latest published by the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Coffee "consumption may be protective against cognitive impairment and dementia."
In a study which was collected from the evaluation of 1,445 participants, people who consistently drink coffee from one to two cups a day shows a significant reduction in the risk of mild cognitive impairment compared to those who never or rarely drinks coffee.
However, scientists found out that those who changed their coffee habit and increased the consumption from 1 cup coffee a day had a higher risk of mild cognitive impairment compared to those with "constant habits" of drinking coffee.
The data weas collected from the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging, where they examined 65- 84 year old people.
For those who take2 cups a day, the researchers noted, "there was no significant association between subjects with higher levels of coffee consumption and the incidence of MCI in comparison with those who never or rarely consumed coffee."
As the result of the study, scientists' concluded, "cognitively normal older individuals who increased their coffee consumption had a higher rate of developing MCI, while a constant in time moderate coffee consumption was associated to a reduced rate of the incidence of MCI," which was stated to their journal.