Jun 12, 2015 02:49 AM EDT
Marlon Brando's Untold Story: Secret A-List Acting School

Marlon Brando as one of the greatest actors of the 20th century, accumulated 20 young acting students and a dozen established stars to acquire knowledge from him. Brando's acting students includes - Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, Edward James Olmos, Whoopi Goldberg and Harry Dean Stanton.

When 78-year-old Brando appeared to teach, the acting students weren't disappointed at all as Marlon Brando entered the acting workshop, wearing a blond wig, blue mascara, a black gown with an orange scarf and a bodice stuffed with gigantic falsies.

In a maturely dignified English accent, he told the group - "I am furious! Furious!"

The 10-day symposium that Brando organized turned out to be one of the most decorous period of time in experienced by the participants. The acting workshop took place last November 2002, less than two years before Marlon Brando's death, but the event is rarely talked about today.

Brando also featured his strongest, and some say his finest performances.

In one of the sessions, Brando argued with a troupe of little people and a team of Samoan wrestlers, but Brando improvised the situation and did some acting exercises with them on the stage.

According to Yahoo, "Michael Jackson popped in for a class. Robin Williams attended all 10 days, at one point doing a 30-minute improv rou­tine about haggling with a used-car salesman."

The 10 day acting workshop in the fall of 2002, was Brando's one and only acting workshop ever - where he shared everything about his craft, was caught on camera, however that video tape, no one will ever get to see.

In a conversation with Marlon Brando and her secretary Alice Marchak, accounts, "He called me to discuss products he could sell on QVC. He was looking to generate money, but the products he came up with weren't viable. He had an idea of an earthquake-proof house. And a way to air-condition homes that involved drilling. Things that couldn't be sold on QVC. I told him he could make money if his face or voice was part of a product - I suggested acting classes."