Articles by Chandan Das

Chandan Das

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USDA IG Investigates Possible Sabotage At Wayne Farms Lauren Poultry Processing Plant

Often there are reports of chicken products like nuggets and sausages containing small wayward plastic pieces. But here is a case at a poultry processing facility in Missouri, which is being suspected of being an incident of deliberate sabotage, rather than an everyday accident.
  • Spicy Food Augments Life Span, Offer Other Health Benefits

    Contrary to the common belief, spicy foods offer several health benefits, including augmenting life span. So next time when you eat spicy food in any Asian restaurant rest assured that you are contributing to your health.
  • The Coca-Cola Foundation Gives Back $84.5 M To Communities

    The Coca-Cola Foundation, the main international philanthropic arm of the multinational beverage company, has donated $84.5 million to almost 300 organizations during 2015 for the benefit of various communities in more than 70 countries and regions.
  • Truth Behind Food Craving and How To Overcome It

    Food craving can be described as an intense longing for eating a particular food, which is usually hard to endure. Food craving and hunger are different issues. While hunger can be satiated by consuming any good food, food craving is related to emotions and can only be satisfied after eating a particular food.
  • Upton’s Naturals Successfully Introduces Jackfruit As Meat Alternative

    Upton's Naturals is the first American food company that has made jackfruit available as a successful meat substitute throughout the country. The decision to offer the large, nutrient-rich, plant-based meat is a very bold choice and at Upton's Naturals, a vegan company, bold is the standard operating procedure.
  • Video Showing Man Urinating Inside Kellogg’s Memphis Production Facility Goes Viral

    A disquieting video apparently showing an employee urinating all over the food production line of a plant belonging to Kellogg's Cereals has gone viral. Although the company has pulled down the 47-second clip originally posted on, it can be seen below this article.
  • Foods That Improve Brain Health and Concentration

    As we age, our brain also becomes less alert, face memory loss and often find difficulty in concentrating. However, maintaining the health of our brain is of utmost important for our overall health. While exercise and genetic factors are two vital aspects for a healthy brain, diet too plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy memory.
  • Listeria Victim Files Lawsuit Against Dole For Unspecified Damages

    Constance Georgostathis, the daughter of an Ohio woman who is currently recovering from a coma following consumption of listeria-tainted Dole salad in January, which claimed one life and made 18 others sick prompting the company to recall bagged greens in 23 states, has filed a federal lawsuit last week accusing the food manufacturer of neglect in failing to fulfill the federal as well as state food safety laws.
  • Next Time You Cook A Potato Dish, Swap Regular Potatoes With Sweet Potato Varieties

    Most of us are familiar with orange sweet potatoes or yams, but there is another variety of sweet potatoes, the white sweet potato (not the white-fleshed sweet potato), which is considered to be more nutritious compared to the orange or red variety.
  • Foods That Help Prevent And Cure Erectile Dysfunction

    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a major problem these days, ruining many relationships. Many people resort to pills, pumps as well as surgeries, which are considered to be effective in dealing with the condition. While many of these have some side effects, there are other safe ways of treating the disorder, for instance eating natural foods.
  • New Study Suggests Peanut, Peanut Butter May Help Prevent Obesity

    Usually peanut and peanut butter consumption is associated with weight gain. However, a recent study found that a group of Hispanic middle school children who were at risk of being obese or overweight were able to reduce their Body Mass Index (BMI) by consuming a snack comprising peanuts!
  • Wal-Mart Overhauling Fresh Food Strategy, To Roll Out “Fresh Angle” Format in 3,300 Stores by 2016

    Wal-Mart Inc. has announced it plans to overhaul the look as well as layout of the company's fresh stores department. According to the retail giant, it will roll out its 'fresh angle' format on merchandising, presently existent in 180 stores, to 3,300 store locations by the end of 2016.
  • Skipping Breakfast May Be Beneficial For Your Physical And Mental Health

    There is a myth that breakfast is necessary to remain healthy. Many advocators of breakfast claimed that beginning your day with a good meal helps to boost the brain, stimulate metabolism and perhaps also help in reducing the extra pounds. All these are good arguments in favor of eating breakfast, but findings of studies undertaken recently prove otherwise.
  • Signs and Symptoms of Eating Disorder; How To Cure The Ailment?

    Eating disorders have become a major issue, so much so that the last week of February was observed as the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Changes in lifestyle and daily stress are responsible for millions of Americans struggling with this severe condition, which can often prove to be life-threatening! In fact, compared to any other mental ailment, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate.
  • Dealing With Allergies Through Diet

    There is no special diet that can help to prevent or cure allergies. However, consuming some foods, especially those containing antihistamines, may be helpful in improving your symptoms. In fact, some foods helps to improve allergy symptoms, there are others that worsen the symptoms.