Foods That Improve Brain Health and Concentration

As we age, our brain also becomes less alert, face memory loss and often find difficulty in concentrating. However, maintaining the health of our brain is of utmost important for our overall health. While exercise and genetic factors are two vital aspects for a healthy brain, diet too plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy memory.

Several studies have shown that it is possible to improve the health of our brain by incorporating "smart" foods and drinks in our diet. A healthy lifestyle coupled with a good diet can help boost cognitive function as well as concentration. Moreover, healthy diet also plays a vital role in slowing down the brain whenever needed, Best Fitness Advices reported.

Here are some foods that help to improve memory power and concentration. Sometimes, combining two healthy foods are more effective in promoting the brain's health and, hence, it is important to have the idea of ​​combining them to get a healthier food.


Certain substances like caffeine help to energize us and improve concentration. Caffeine is present in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks and a number of medications. It gives one that unique wake-up buzz, albeit the effects are short-term. However, an overdose of caffeine can also make one jittery and uncomfortable, according to Web MD.


A preferred fuel source for the brain, sugar (glucose and not table sugar) is processed from the sugars and carbs we ingest. Drinking a glass of something sweet has the potential to temporarily boost memory, thinking as well as mental ability. However, excessive sugar can impair our memory.

Eat Breakfast

Many people prefer to skip breakfast, but several studies have shown that eating breakfast may temporarily improve memory and attention. It has been found that students who eat breakfast are likely to perform better compared to those who don't eat breakfast. Some breakfast foods that help to enhance the brain's health include whole grains, dairy, and fruits. However, overeating may build up calories, which, in turn, may obstruct concentration.


Fish is actually a brain food, as the protein contained in fish boosts the brain. Fishes are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy for the brain. A diet with elevated levels of omega-3 fats has been associated with reduced risks of dementia and stroke, in addition to a slower mental decline. In addition, as we grow older fish may play a crucial role in improving memory.

Nuts and Chocolate

Nuts and seeds contain elevated levels of vitamin E, a potent antioxidant which is related to less cognitive decline as one age. Similarly, dark chocolates also possess antioxidant properties and are a stimulant like caffeine, helping to improve our alertness and concentration.


Animal studies have shown that blueberries are useful in protecting the brain from damages due to free radicals. In addition, they may also help to reduce the effects of age-related disorders like Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

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