Food Contamination: Why You Need to Wash Fruits and Vegetables Before Consumption and How You Can Do It Properly
Hashtags #MuslimsAreNotTerrorists, #NotInMyName and #IAmAMuslim: Muslims Speak Out Against Paris Attacks
People from all over the world, coming from all walks of life have expressed their support and sentiments through various platforms: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Quinoa, Almond Milk, Soy Diet Trends: Is the Fight Against Obesity Destroying the World?
While the fight against obesity and diseases have encouraged the trend toward healthier food choices, a new question is raised: are these diet trends creating an imbalance in the world? Parenting: No Need to Know All the Answers to Your Children's Questions, Experts Say
Experts believe that parents should not feel frightened about not knowing the answers to their children's questions. Adele's 21 Named Greatest Album Of All Time
Another success is added in the row after Adele's previous album '21' has just been named as 'Greatest Album Of All Time' by Billboard, according to reports. Will Robots Put Your Jobs at Risk?
If robots will take over, is there any way that humans can fight and resist this change? One thing is for sure though, a few people will be losing their jobs as this robot evolution continues. Rupert Grint And Ron Perlman Try To Get Stanley Kubrick To Fake The Moon Landing In The Red-Band 'Moonwalkers' Trailer [VIDEO]
The 'Harry Potter' star and the 'Hellboy' actor make an unusual team as they try to get the director of 'The Shining' to work on the hoax of the Apollo 11 moon landing! Ryan Gosling’s ‘Blade Runner’: Harrison Ford’s Co-Lead In Sequel Confirmed –‘It’s True,’ Eva Mendes’ Partner Says!
It's been over three decades since Harrison Ford, then already Han Solo in "Star Wars" and even Indiana Jones, made cinema history once more when starring as Rick Deckard in the adaptation of Philip K. Dick's beloved novel "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" - and now, as the long-awaited sequel gears into production, Ryan Gosling's "Blade Runner" role is confirmed! Talking to Your Children About Terrorist Attacks and Why It's Important to Broach the Subject With Them
You may be going through great lenghts to secure your children's physical welfare, but according to experts, you should also be aware of what these attacks can do to your kids' psychological and emotional well-being. Christopher Nolan’s Memento Gets Remake, Because Apparently 15 Year-Old Guy Pearce Movie Wasn’t Good Enough
Back in 2000, the world became aware of a rising young director after an incredibly complex breakout film, Christopher Nolan's "Memento," which created a heavily successful career for the director, writer and producer who would go on to make the best known superhero trilogy in the genre and get three Academy Award nominations - and it seems that's reason enough for the flick to get remade. Madonna Breaks Down Crying Onstage As She Honors Paris Attacks Victims And Performs 'Like a Prayer'
Madonna broke down in tears during her concert held in Stockholm, Sweden, where she paused to give tribute to the Paris attacks victims and performed one of her hit tracks 'Like A Prayer'. Charlie Sheen Net Worth: ‘Two And A Half Men’ Star Reportedly About To Announce He’s HIV Positive After Spending Millions On Treatment
Days after it was first reported that a "middle-aged" Hollywood actor very much on the A-List had been diagnosed with HIV a few years back, the rumor has started spreading that this is in fact the Golden Globe-winning actor from "Two and a Half Men" - how can Charlie Sheen's net worth deal with this? 4 Reasons Why Spending Time With Nature Is Beneficial to Your Health
Studies show how spending time with nature will give you several health benefits. With the increasing invention of technology and newly discovered interests to pursue, people are mostly caught up with a lot of things that they tend to forget to take a deep breath and enjoy the beauty of nature. Viral Video John Oliver Paris: Host Takes Advantage Of HBO’s Profanity Policy To Say What’s On Our Minds About ISIS’ Paris Attacks – NSFW [WATCH]
As France and the rest of the world only begin to comprehend what happened last Friday when Paris was attacked by the Islamic State on six different venues in a night where over 130 people died, everyone's got a lot of anger bottled up - and John Oliver's Paris comments say just what we're all thinking. Life-Changing Weight Loss Story: Woman Who Lost 200 Pounds Gained So Much More
Now 42 years old, Jen recalled struggling with her weight way since she was in middle school. She wanted to push people away and she believed that increasing her weight was the solution to that. She was triumphant as she ballooned to almost 400 pounds.