Computers That Can Read Your Emotions Are Underway
The 30-day Local Food Challenge: How Hard it is to Eat Only Irish Food for a Whole Month
Lisa Fingleton decided to detach herself from imported goodies and sugar to try eating only Irish food for a month. Parenting:Experts Say It's Time You Shouldn't Worry About Your Teen's Use of Technology
Experts advise adults to eliminate their fears over kids' addiction to technology since findings from their studies show how kids' constant use of cellphones and other gadgets have its share of benefits. 'Right Cup' Will Trick Your Brain Into Thinking That Your Water is Flavored [VIDEO]
The Right Cup is the world’s first aromatic fruit-flavored cup designed to get people take pleasure in drinking more water. Just pour water on the cup and enjoy these different flavors: Mixed Berry, Lemon-Lime, Apple and Orange yet the company assures to add more variation in the future. ‘Supernatural’ Spoilers Season 11 Episode 8: Sam’s Childhood Imaginary Friend Sully Comes Back to Life; What Will Happen In ‘Just My Imagination’? [VIDEO]
Answers about the haunting question why Sam's childhood buddy chose to reenter to his life will also be unveiled. Liftware: Google's Smart Utensil Brings Hope for Those with Parkinson's and Essential Tremors [VIDEO]
Liftware, which can be used as spoon and fork, has a built-in motion sensors which are also used in smartphones. It can detect a tremor and regulate the spoon or fork correspondingly which lead to normal eating. 'Teen Mom 2' Season 7 Spoilers: Leah Messer's Ex-Husband Jeremy Calvert Hinted To Return In New Tweets
The reality star said he will be seen soon. Jeremy Calvert hinted on social media that he is going to make a big comeback on "Teen Mom 2" Season 7. Impressive Health Benefits of Chlorophyll
Liquid chlorophyll holds the ability to multiply the quantity of red blood cell in the body. It is effortless to incorporate chlorophyll in our regular meal since most of the vegetables are well loaded with it. Massachusetts Pastafarian Gains Right to Wear Pasta Strainer in Driver’s License Photo
A woman who is a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is permitted to put on a pasta strainer on her head in her driver's license photo on account of her religious beliefs. How Bullying Can Lead To Bulimia and Other Eating Disorders, Study Reveals
Kids who bully other children are twice prone to show indications of eating disorder such as bulimia (bingeing and purging) based on a new study of the experts at Duke Medicine and UNC School of Medicine. Here's Why Diets Won't Work: Healthy Foods Vary for Each Person
Finding the perfect diet is nearly impossible. We tend to experiment with different diet regimen until we find the perfect match for us. This situation doesn't come as a surprise to scientists. According to a new study published in Cell Press last Thursday, a healthy food for one person may lead another to gain weight. Australia Prepares For 2016 As United Nations Names It The International Year Of Pulses
One challenge, however, is Australians struggle to name the grain. United Nations proclaimed 2016 to be the International Year of Pulses -- which most Australians call "legumes. 'Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens' Scores $50M-Plus in Advance Ticket Sales
With a month left to fire up the upcoming American epic space opera film - Star Wars: The Force Awakens in theaters, the film has gathered more than $50 million in advance ticket sales in North America. 'The Walking Dead' News: Zombie Theme Park Coming Soon
Do you love theme parks? Do you love roller coaster rides? Do you dream of zombies chasing after you? Yes? No? Well, The Walking Dead fans should be preparing for a zombie themed ride soon. Holding In Your Poop Can Actually Be Deadly, Experts Warn
Experts are warning that in serious events, sustaining a poo in for a prolonged time frame could actually lead to death.