‘Coca Cola Life’
McDonalds opens its Doors to the World, Demystifying Myths and Revealing the Ingredients for Their Beef
McDonald’s pushed its doors open to the whole world for the first time when they invited the press into their California food plant. The giant fast food maker has launched a new campaign by inviting the public into their food plant and answering any questions the public may ask them, for the first time in history. Hepatitis C Information: New Pill That Cures It, But At What Cost?
Hepatitis C Information – The Hepatitis C is a disease that affects the liver mainly. It can provoke cirrhosis and ultimately, develop liver failure and liver cancer, among other things. So, the importance to treat it is essential. Know What and When to Eat- The Different Types of Hunger That You Must Know
How many times you grabbed desserts in your Boss' Welcome party and enjoyed completing your plate without thinking how many sugar and calories you've taken in? Lab Manager Guilty Tampering: Clear Water Act Violated
Lab Manager Guilty Tampering – John W. Shelton, a lab manager from Daniels, West Virginia has pleaded guilty in Beckley’s federal court towards the charges of violating the Clear Water Act. GMO Free Foods? – Against Ignorance, Labelling
GMO Free Foods – One recurring subject these days is GMO Food and whether or not is safe to consume it, if it represents any threat to health and now, if it should be labelled. In Colorado, there is a specific group dedicating to this issue: Right To Know Colorado. New Study Shows Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics Pose Increased Risk to Child Obesity
Infants before the age of 24 months exposed to recurring broad-spectrum antibiotics have higher probability to be obese in their early childhood, according to a new study. GMO Facts the FDA is not Telling you
You will not believe what percent of food is genetically modified and why there are no laws compelling GMO labeling. Red Bull Pays Settlement, Get Your Share of $13 Million
If you've ever bought a can of Red Bull in the last 12 years, then the company owes you money. Red Bull settled in a false advertising law suit filed against it and will now be paying anyone who bought a red Bull energy drink between 1 January 2002 and October 3 2014. Here's the good part, you don't even have to prove you bought the drink, only registration is needed to claim a piece of the $13 million dollar settlement. Red Bull Wings Are Not Real: $13 Million Dollars For The ‘Fraud’
There is a very famous quote that says, “lies have short legs.” But can a slogan be considered a lie? Walmart Healthcare Benefits Will Stop For Part-Time Workers
Up to the moment, Walmart has been giving healthcare benefits to a large count of its employees. Walmart Healthcare Benefits - Up to the moment, Walmart has been giving healthcare benefits to a large count of its employees. Italy-UK Salami Conflict Resolved: British Food Labeling System Loses Battle
The European Commission put Italians at ease during the Italy-UK salami ongoing conflict, stating that the British labeling system was overly simplistic. Chiquita Fyffes EU: Allies Want To Make The Largest Banana Company In The World
Chiquita Fyffes EU – The European Union has approved the merge between Chiquita Brands International, the American producer and distributor of bananas and Flyffes, the Irish brand of Bananas and other fruits. These two would become the largest banana company in the world together. Detroit Water Shut Off Has United Nations’ Disapproval – Still, It Continues
Detroit Water Shut Off – Judge Rhodes, who is in charge of the shut off of water in Detroit cause, has refused today to stop it. There has been complaining, there have been people in the streets manifesting and even the UN has had a say in the matter, but the shut off stands strong. National Coffee Day: 5 Places To Get Free And Steaming Coffee!
National Coffee Day – Wonderful date for all the people who do not only like starting off their days with coffee, but can’t get enough and need a dose repeatedly. Today, Sept. 29th, the National and actually International coffee day, according to Days of The Year, takes place. So, to celebrate it, we enlisted some of the most important places where you can find a great deal of free coffee.