Chefs Create Cannibal Burger to Celebrate 5th Season of the Walking Dead

While the lovers of the popular show Walking Dead anxiously await the release of season five on 13 of October, chefs in London have come up with a quite interesting way to celebrate the launch of the new season. They said chefs have created a burger that tastes of human flesh. This burger has also been referred to as the 'cannibal burger'. All this is to keep this imaginative burger in line with the context of the show, with its cannibals and all and to give you a good idea of what human flesh tastes like.

The thought of eating human flesh is enough to scare away a lot of people. However, though it tastes of human flesh, it has been confirmed that the burger contains no human flesh. It is made of a combination of pork, bone marrow, and veal and chicken livers in order to acquire that taste. The chefs who came up with the idea came up with the combination after reading a statement of a cannibal that revealed that human flesh tasted like veal that had not developed into beef yet but which was not too young nevertheless. They conducted a number of trials and finally came up with what they believed tasted like human flesh.

If you are a great fan of the show and cannot wait to watch the new season, nothing can be more memorable and adventurous than to get one cannibal burger for yourself on the day the show premieres. Before that though, every person curious enough to want a taste of the burger will have a chance to do so for free from the Terminus Tavern pop-up in East London on the 30th of September 2014. The exact location has been kept secret but it will be revealed later via twitter.

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