Food service is provided by airlines during flights. Airlines strive to make your journey more convenient and memorable by providing you with delicious meals, particularly in the business-class cabin. However, how would you react if you found out that an airline mistakenly offered you dog food?
Recently, China Eastern Airlines had made a translation error on their food menu and offered "dog food" to their business class passengers.
Translation Blunder on China Eastern Airlines' Food Menu
Following its entry into the competitive trans-Tasman market earlier this month, China Eastern Airlines was featured prominently in major news outlets. At the beginning of this month, it began operating flights that connected Auckland with Sydney as well as the city of Hangzhou in China.
According to a photograph snapped by a passenger of China Eastern Airlines, their plane menu features meat, fish, and soup meals for guests traveling in business class. However, a single English translation that was not done well has caused many passengers to complain. A few options are available for appetizers, including "imported dog food with okra."
The Facebook post has received responses from many individuals, including hundreds of comments and shares. Accordingly, someone stated that it was because they treated the passenger as a dog rather than a human being, while another person inquired if the airline was pet-friendly.
It is also speculated that the airline was most likely referring to a hot dog, while another user pondered the implications of using Google translate software. Moreover, there is a lack of clarity regarding the meal on the translated menu offered by China Eastern Airlines. Nevertheless, further comments have not been received from the airline.
But when it comes to airline food, this is not the first time that we've seen many blunders. For instance, after purchasing a vegan breakfast for an airplane trip to Japan in February, a business class passenger was served a solitary banana along with a pair of chopsticks as their meal. Japan Airlines gave the fruit to the passenger immediately after the airplane took off from Jakarta, Indonesia.
On the other hand, Air New Zealand is working to improve its food and beverage options in Aotearoa, as competitors are returning with more remarkable offerings. Business Premiere passengers will reportedly be the only ones who may obtain the new selection, which will contain many New Zealand suppliers and local foods.
The new menus are anticipated to be introduced in either September or October of 2024. Furthermore, due to an airline's workers allegedly forgetting to refrigerate the trip's cuisine, British Airways customers on a flight from Turks and Caicos to London that lasted for 12 hours were each given a piece of chicken from KFC.