Looking For a Hangover Cure? Here Are 10 Drinks That Actually Work

Merriment and festivities are fun and memorable, but the thing that everyone dreads is what comes after. Waking up the next morning feeling nauseated is most likely what you want to avoid or be relieved of fast. Fortunately, according to Men's Health, there are drinks that can fix your hangover in a jiffy.

1. Water

Are You Looking For A Hangover Cure? These Drinks Can Quickly Solve That Problem
Unsplash / Daniele Levis Pelusi

According to Lisa Dorfman, R.D., a Certified Culinary Medical Specialist, to remove alcohol from the body, water is needed.

After having too much alcohol, the first thing you should reach for is a glass of water. Additionally, replenishing water in your body is one of the best ways to relieve a hangover feeling.

2. EmergenC

Are You Looking For A Hangover Cure? These Drinks Can Quickly Solve That Problem
Getty images / Chelsea Lauren

Another hangover fix is EmergenC packets. According to Hangover Cure, Emergen C is a simple solution to dehydration due to hangovers.

In addition, it has a range of vitamins that supports the body to reduce hangover symptoms.

3. Nuun Immunity Tablet

Another way to revitalize your electrolytes due to hangovers is with electrolyte tablets like Nuun. Just mix it in with water, and you're good to go.

Plus, it comes in four flavors you can choose from.

4. Kefir

Are You Looking For A Hangover Cure? These Drinks Can Quickly Solve That Problem
Getty images / Donald Bowers

Hangovers not only come in headaches and nausea. Often, stomach pains may be present as well. To fix this, you can try kefir, which is a fermented milk drink packed with good bacteria to soothe an inflamed gastrointestinal tract and ease stomach cramps.

5. Pedialyte

Another effective electrolyte replenisher is Pedialyte. It is not only suitable for dehydrated babies but also for those who overindulged themselves with alcohol.

This drink is packed with electrolytes and glucose to fight off hangovers.

6. Bone Broth

Nothing is more comforting than a warm, tasty soup as a cure for a hangover. Bone broth can help restore sodium, which maintains the balance of fluids both inside and outside the body's cells.

This facilitates water retention that your body needs when you are experiencing a hangover.

7. Coconut Water

Are You Looking For A Hangover Cure? These Drinks Can Quickly Solve That Problem
Getty images / Stuart C. Wilson

If you don't have access to a sports drink or any electrolyte supplement products, you can always turn to something nature can provide.

Coconut water is known to have uber-hydrating properties. Hangovers can cause a potassium shortage, which can be fixed by coconut water.

8. Herbal Tea

Are You Looking For A Hangover Cure? These Drinks Can Quickly Solve That Problem
Unsplash / TeaCora Rooibos

Experiencing stomach cramps is one symptom of a hangover. Fortunately, a bag of ginger tea in a cup of hot water is one of the best solutions you can try. It is known to have anti-inflammatory capabilities that can settle an upset stomach.

9. Ionic Fizz Magnesium Plus

Waking up to a bad headache is also a symptom of a hangover. The reason for this is getting a good night's rest the night after.

To fix this problem, you can pop a scoop of Ionic Fizz Magnesium Plus in a glass of water. Magnesium works wonders to help you sleep and settle that bad headache.

10. Turmeric

Are You Looking For A Hangover Cure? These Drinks Can Quickly Solve That Problem
Getty images / Scott Olson

Another wonderful spice that can be consumed as tea is turmeric. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties to ease pain and inflammation. You can have a dose before the fun starts and another dose upon waking up.

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