Fascinating Benefits of Yellow Spice Turmeric: Unlocked

Have you ever wondered what gives curry its unique flavor? It is one among the aromatic spices added -the turmeric.

Turmeric is a rhizome with a peppery and bitter flavor. It is native to India. It was used for thousands of years as a spice and for medicinal purposes.

This wonder root has plenty of health benefits. It would be very helpful if you read the whole article to gain insight about this amazing root.


Turmeric has a tough brown skin and a deep orange flesh. It was called as Indian Saffron because of its deep orange color.

You can be creative and add turmeric to egg salads, curries, and lentils. By adding a pinch of turmeric, you can give your salad dressings an orange-yellow hue.

You can cut cauliflower florets in half and sauté it with turmeric for 5 minutes. Remove from fire and toss it in olive oil, salt, and pepper. A tasty and healthy stir fry dish is ready within a jiffy.

Here is a YouTube recipe of chicken curry. Try this delicious recipe.

Nutritional Benefits of Turmeric

The turmeric contains a potent orange pigment called curcumin. The specialty of this compound is that it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Prevents Alzheimer's disease

A protein named amyloid- B accumulates in the brain cells and causes oxidative stress and inflammation. This leads to the formation of plaques in the brain cells and reduces its efficiency.

Curcumin binds these proteins and prevents them from forming plaques. Since it has antioxidant properties it gives extra protection to the cells.

Curcumin boosts the immune system in Alzheimer's patients and helps to clear the plaque. Including turmeric on a daily basis can help them to lead a better quality of life.

Helps people with cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a disease that attacks the lungs with thick mucus. It may cause life-threatening infections. The mucus may also affect the pancreas.

To put it in a simple way, cystic fibrosis is caused due to a genetic defect. Scientists say that curcumin can correct this faulty gene expression.

Fights against cancer

This potent antioxidant found in turmeric protects the cells from free radicals. The free radicals cause damage to cells and cause inflammation. This can lead to several diseases.

Curcumin helps the body to destroy mutated cancer cells. Thus preventing it from spreading throughout the body and cause harm.

It prevents the development of additional blood supply necessary for cancer cell growth.

Research studies say that turmeric if used frequently lowers the rate of breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers. It also slows down the spread of breast cancer.

Gives relief for rheumatoid arthritis

As we saw earlier curcumin neutralizes the free radicals and thus helps persons with rheumatoid arthritis to find great relief. Rheumatoid arthritis causes painful joint inflammation and causes damage to the joints.

Curcumin found in turmeric reduced the morning stiffness, reduced joint swelling and promoted ease of walking.

Other health benefits

It is very effective against the inflammatory bowel disease, reduces the risk of childhood leukemia, improves liver function, boosts cardiovascular health and lowers cholesterol.

Bottom line

As you can see turmeric offers many protective health benefits. Be creative and add turmeric to your daily diet.

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