Starbucks Coffee Stout – Beer-Flavor Has Reached Coffee, Finally!

Starbucks Coffee Stout: Starbucks tends to play with flavors and introduce different combinations all the time for people to try out, see if they like and also, see what works and what doesn't in the public. Now, a new Starbucks Coffee Stout is being tested.

The actual name of the Starbucks Coffee Stout is Dark Barrel Latte, which sounds oddly wonderful as it has a tavern like style, where you imagine a big wooden barrel of beer, only that in this chance, it is adapted to a coffee!

The Starbucks Coffee Stout or Dark Barrel Latte is being tested at some Ohio stores and Florida, as ABC has posted. A picture is shown of the menu with the new coffee in Starbucks Geek Twitter, for which its description is:

"A blend of espresso, dark caramel and chocolaty stout flavored sauce and freshly steamed milk, topped with whipped cream and dark caramel drizzle... Also available iced or as a Frappuccino blended beverage... This beverage does not contain our mocha sauce or beer."

This sounds truly wonderful and extremely delicious. Of course, not actual beer is put in the Coffee but the flavor is realistic enough. According to the note of ABC, Starbucks has said that they would expand the test of serving alcohol and small bites in the evening to further stores and not just the mentioned ones.

It looks like the Starbucks Coffee Stout or Dark Barrel Latte test is working out perfectly for the Company and having a lot of positive reactions from the consumers.

This fact, though, would have been strange if it had worked in another way as beer tends to blend in with most drinks and survive most combinations. There is a reason for it being one of the most consumed drinks.

Starbucks definitely got creative with the new offer in the Starbucks Coffee Stout and hopefully, it will expand nationwide soon so everyone can have a taste.

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