Health News: Dietary Supplements Banned by U.S Federal Government, DOJ Nationwide Sweeps on Doctored Manufacturing

Before you take your daily dose of health pills, please read this article. Your health supplement might be banned by the US government for fraudulent manufactured goods.

Seven federal agencies, led by the U.S. Department of Justice have declared joint civil and criminal actions against more than 100 health supplement makers and marketers of potentially dangerous dietary supplements.

"The Sweep" by the DOJ involves personnel from the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), U.S Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), Internal Revenue Services (IRS), Deparment of Defense (DOD) and the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency.

During the press conference on Tuesday, these agencies went public citing even the best selling supplement maker USPlabs LLC, a company based in Dallas marketing muscle and weight loss supplements which includes OxyElite Pro and Jack3d. The company has an 11-count indictment waiting for them. Anaheim, a CA company is also on the list.

Benjamin C. Mizer, principal deputy assistant attorney general, states that the search is primarly focused on Chinese chemical manufacturers claiming natural based ingredients from natural plant extracts but are purely synthetic additives.

Most supplement makers are in search of the next miracle ingredient that would help people lose weight or sometimes gain weight (in cases where some people need the extra muscle mass). In this case, USPlabs found a "promising" ingredient and proceeded to fraudulently market the brand in order to engage the public into buying the supplement. Charges have been laid against the companies because of selling their products without determining if they are safe for consumption.

The defendants of the case have already generated federal court cases in 18 U.S States. These cases will open up criminal and civil liabilities against more than 117 supplement marketers and manufacturers.

The FDA has already issued a statement warning the public against buying products sold by USPlabs. Their products contain ingredients such as aegeline which is unsafe. Claims have also been brought forward that there are implications linking their products to liver toxicity.

This public service announcement is brought to you by NBC.

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