Calcium Is An Essential Need To The Human Body

Health conscious people would often find a way to have their food intake balanced and nutritional and there are a lot of nutrients that is important to a person's body. One major nutrient that the body really need is Calcium. It is the said that calcium is essential to the body for it to be able to complete the body's needs. Many Body Functions and development relies on the importance of calcium. So, in order to achieve the desired health a person must know how much calcium he/she need and where to get it.

Most of the people know that calcium is a very big help to the teeth and bones and it can benefit a person a lot if there is a regular or daily intake of calcium. It helps the human body to pump the blood in the body to avoid blood clot and it also takes charge of making the muscles, veins and the heart work properly. Not having enough calcium in the persons system would greatly affect the health and the body's performance especially when a person is aging.

If regular intake of calcium for the body is not enough, it would start getting it from the bones which can be a big factor of being weak and suffers a lot of bone deficiency. Lack of calcium can cause osteoporosis wherein it can make the bones easy to break and thin.

Osteoporosis often occurs to adults or elders. From new born baby to elders, calcium is very important in any point of view. Even pregnant women are advised to take more calcium because the growth of the baby inside that womb is depending on the mother calcium intake. It is not just beneficiary to the baby if the woman is pregnant but it is for both the baby and the mother. The mother also needs a lot of calcium or might have to double the calcium intake since she is sharing her calcium with the baby.

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