HIV Hollywood: A-List ‘Womanizer’ Actor Catches AIDS Virus, Tinsel Town Terrified Like It’s Rock Hudson During 1980s

In the latest health rumor in the most glamorous city in California and possibly the world, it's being reported that an unnamed A-List actor who has a history of being a womanizer has caught the human immunodeficiency virus, prompting an HIV Hollywood scare like the city hadn't seen since Rock Hudson's tragic story.

Tabloids have begun spreading rumors of a supposed HIV Hollywood scare, after it has come out in the city that someone who has a history of varied lovers in the industry has been diagnosed with the potentially deadly virus - and while there's no further knowledge, speculation is running wild.

The original HIV Hollywood rumor stems from British tabloid The Sun, after an "US showbiz insider" spoke to the outlet and said that it's a public secret in the film industry that a certain star with a past has known his HIV positive for years, but it's only now that the report is spreading.

"His lawyers are bracing for the threat of potential action," said an unnamed source, while another one added there would be a great impact on awareness of the virus if the HIV Hollywood rumor became mainstream news. "It could be a game-changer in the understanding of HIV given that he's a straight man."

Of course, it has been widely known for decades that not only gay men can meet the virus, but the stigma remains in many places throughout the world, even though numerous efforts have been made to the contrary - and, as The Guardian reports, it cannot be allowed that this so-called "HIV Hollywood scare" makes the world take two steps back when it comes to knowledge of this virus.

The Daily Mail reports that this report has generated a lot of speculation in the past few days, though the only thing known about this star's identity is that he's middle aged and "notorious" for being a playboy, though there's no official news on the supposed HIV Hollywood scare.

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