"Kid Licks": Organic Edible Nail Polish That Your Children Can Eat

Nail polish is never good for pregnant ladies as it contains toxic ingredients like toluene, dibutyl phthalate and formaldehyde. These chemicals are so toxic that even pregnant ladies and children are advised not to use them. Children tend to put their hand inside their mouth, creating a possibility that they may ingest part of its toxic component. However, Kid Licks, a brand of organic, non GMO edible nail polish enters the market.

As reported in Mashable, Audrey Amara, founder of the edible nail polish, observed that her daughter has developed fascination with nail polish but often puts her fingers in her mouth. This prompted the mom to begin a research about the beauty product.

"She loves doing everything by herself so when she saw me painting my nails a couple years back she naturally wanted to do the same thing - herself," Amara tells Mashable. "When I saw what was in nail polish, even nail polish for kids, there was no way I was giving her nail polish of any kind."

Although Amara and her husband Josh are no scientists, they finally developed an edible nail polish made from organic food. It took them months of experimenting with different pigments and bases in their kitchen to come up with the right formula but finally they perfected the recipe that they can trust with their children.

They came up with a nail polish made from food that is natural and organic. They couple has consulted with chemists and food safety experts. They later collaborated with manufacturers and laboratories to finish off the product.

Water based nail polishes and even kids polishes are mostly made from acrylic polymers and synthetic pigments. However Kid Licks nail polishes are made from vegetables and other plants so parents are worry-free about children putting their fingers in their mouth. The ingredients consist of water, organic acasia, organic corn starch and citric acid. Kid Licks flavours range from Sour Carrot Orange, Beet Red and Barley Grass Green.

Kid Licks dries like normal nail polish, allowing children to apply on their own. It can be removed later on with soap, water and a little bit of scrubbing.

"I see Kid Licks not as only an edible, organic nail polish, but a way of life," Amara says. "Hopefully we can use our product to inspire people to take an interest in what is in the products that they use every day."
The couple is currently working on expanding Kid Licks flavours and is also thinking of coming up with an edible face paint as well.

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