Smokers Saved By Genetics

Every smoker is aware that their habit puts them at risk of acquiring a disease and may cause early death yet many still live to a ripe old age.

Smokers who live for a long time may have specific genes promoting a lengthy lifespan, studies reveal.

Scientists said that the genes help the body's cells maintain and repair themselves, protecting the person from ageing, and environmental damage like smoking.

Tobacco killed up to half of its users, an epidemic that has been one of the biggest public health threats in the world. Its usage accounts for at least 30 per cent of all cancer deaths, causing 87 per cent of lung cancer deaths in men, and 70 per cent of lung cancer deaths in women.

Previous research has suggested that smoking stimulated the ageing process and caused disease and an early death.

But not all smokers died early, and a small proportion survived to an old age.

Smoking considered as one of the most dangerous habits an individual can be drawn in, especially for women and children, can eventually lead to several complications and cause grave health problems.

Many people start this horrible habit because of stress or to cope with personal issues. For some it's just a way to show off or look cool while for others it's for enjoyment .

Cigarettes contain tobacco which, in turn, possesses nicotine and other different toxic chemicals. These chemicals cause blood vessel to be narrower than normal, thus resulting to high blood pressure.

When blood passes through these narrow vessels it creates extra pressure and results in hypertension having some serious effects on human body including strokes and paralysis.

Cigarettes causes deterioration in the quality of blood flow and increases cholesterol level, at times, it may also create a clot in the heart. The effect of increased level of cholesterol and creation of clots in blood is a condition that can lead to heart attack which can impact other parts of body.

Cigarettes are highly addictive, both physically and psychologically. Once a person is addicted to and dependant upon cigarettes, it is very difficult to quit.

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