Man Hacks Amazon Dash Button To Order Pizza Whenever He Wants [WATCH]

When in the mood for the piping hot, cheesy deliciousness that is pizza, there seems to be endless options to satisfy one's needs.

Every day humans spend on this planet, it becomes easier to get pizza. First, you had to call for pizza. Now we can order online for pizza. We can use an app to push for pizza. We can use a 3D printer to make pizza. We can order pizza with emoji. Add another one to that list. Now, using Amazon's Dash buttons.

One man has created yet another way to have pizza delivered straight from everybody's door, simply by hacking an Amazon Dash button.

Brody Berson recently reprogrammed an Amazon Dash button so that it would place his favorite order at Domino’s with one press: Pizza Dash!

Inspired by another developer who hacked a Dash button to track his baby’s poops, Berson was able to create his own instant-pizza-ordering-button by reprogramming the small device using an API capable of sending payment information to his pizza delivery company of choice –– in this case, Domino’s.

As he shows in a video, the pizza arrives at his door about 30 minutes later.

He programmed a specific order into his Dash button – one that had been disconnected from his Amazon account.

In all, he says it took just 10 minutes to complete the reprogramming, and then another 30 for the delivery driver to drop off his pie.

Depending on a person's own hacking abilities, you can create your own Pizza Dash button. Berson put all the code on GitHub and says it only takes about 10 minutes to reprogram a dash button.

“I bet you can wire up a PizzaDash button like I did in about ten minutes with your own custom order,” he says in the blog post. “That’s pretty awesome to think about since you were never intended to do that with these little pieces of plastic.”

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