New Petition Calls for Anthony Bourdain's CNN Show 'Parts Unknown' to Be Cancelled

Anthony Bourdain's exploits are well known. The best-selling author and world traveler is one the most visible and vocal documenters of global food culture. Through his travel shows like No Reservations and now Parts Unknown, he's offered viewers a glimpse into many corners of world gastronomy.

Despite his considerable cachet in the industry, it appears not everyone is as big a fan of Bourdain. This new petition recently launched on is calling for an end to 59 year old's CNN program.

According to Laura Wade, the creator of the page, Bourdain's show 'glorifies and wallows in the savage brutal suffering of animals.'

The argument goes on saying:

It's not enough for Anthony to just talk about culture and food; he must show a camel having his head slowly and bloodily hacked off, a roasted pig on a plate, and a close-up of a buck being shot to death, emphasizing the expression on the deer's face for full, horrific impact.

Bourdain's snarky, sarcastic humor is one of the defining traits of his particular brand of food journalism, but it doesn't seem to sit to well with Wade. She writes:

Anthony portrays a hardcore, hard-drinking, I'm-too-badass-to-care-about-feelings persona. His debauched depiction of the killings of several animals on his show can only be meant to satisfy bloodlust in certain people, but ultimately horrify and scar all other viewers.

CNN has refused to comment on the petition, which has racked up 16,156 signatures of this writing. If it has any effect on the upcoming season of Parts Unknown remains it remains to be unseen.

CNN has already penciled in September 27 as the release date for season six. The eight episode series begins with Bourdain travelling to Cuba. Other locations on deck include Istanbul, Ethiopia, and Marseille.

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