Batman v. Superman's Michael Shannon Adds To Confusion with Recent General Zod Comments

Plot details regarding DC and Warner Brothers upcoming superhero face-off Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice are hard to come by. So when actor Michael Shannon - who plays Kryptonian baddy General Zod in the film - let it slip that he had to wear 'flipper' prosthetics during filming, the internet predictably went into tinfoil hat mode.

"I was in my costume, and I couldn't use my fingers because in the sequel I have flippers instead of hands," Shannon said. "So I had these wax flippers on my fingers, and I couldn't open the door, and I could hear Zack [Snyder, the film's director] being like, 'Where's Shannon?'" Said the actor to Vulture last month.

Fans immediately speculated that Shannon's new limbs may be a sign that DC comics supervillain 'Doomsday' may be making an appeance in Dawn of Justice.

Shannon quickly doubled backed on his previous statements, denying the flipper story and saying that he would only feature in the film in a voiceover capacity.

Now he's added even more confusion into the mix after a recent interview with Larry King available for viewing on He once again debunked the flipper story, saying:

"The pressure that I'm under in this situation sometimes leads me to say silly things like Zod has flippers," said Shannon. "It was a false.. red herring, as it were."

He did however, mention a new tidbit about Zod's role in the new film, saying it will be similar to that of Russell Crowe's character Jor-El in Man of Steel.

"It's the same thing like in the first one with Jor-El. Russell Crowe's character is kind of like a ghost," said Shannon. "So I guess I'm a ghost, kind of."

What Shannon means by this is extremely unclear. Luckily fans have a few more months to speculate before the movie releases on March 26, 2016.

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