Burger King Peace Day: McDonald’s McWhopper No-Go, BK Calls Denny’s, Wayback, Krystal And Giraffas For Mashup Instead!

Last August, the world saw a glimpse of hope in the possibility of the ultimate war-ending burger, after one of the biggest fast food chains in the world, Burger King, offered longtime rival McDonald's to collaborate on making a McWhopper - but since that Burger King Peace Day offer didn't work, the fast food giant is more than willing to team up with other competitors instead.

Although nothing will be able to equal the original Burger King Peace Day offer, which McDonald's quickly declined in a very nonchalant manner, the past few days have shown that there's a good number of other chains that are more than willing to take the dive with BK.

According to Mashable, some of the chains that offered to take up Burger King's Peace Day offer include Wayback Burgers from Connecticut, south-based chain Krystal and, of course, iconic all-day breakfast Denny's, all of whom said they'd be glad to join BK in their quest for the perfect burger to honor World Peace Day.

The Guardian reports that the second biggest fast food chain in the world was more than happy to oblige, and the new Burger King Peace Day offer extends to the aforementioned restaurants as well, taking the same medium as the previous McDonald's offer: an open letter to them, also directed at Giraffas, posted on The New York Times as well as on the company's Tumblr blog.

"Our idea would be that we all come together to create a burger that combines a key ingredient from each of our signature sandwiches," goes the new Burger King Peace Day proposal. "We already have a pop-up restaurant under construction, so all we need from you guys is a simple 'yes' plus your cooperation and a donation to Peace One Day."

The royal-themed burger chain also told McDonald's they'd still love to see them changing their minds, saying they were "totally at peace" with waiting for them.

In the latest burger war battle, there's no doubt who was the victor while keeping face: Burger King's Peace Day burger!

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