Hear The Voice Of Star Wars Villain Kylo Ren For The First Time

Ever since Disney unveiled Star Wars: the Force Awakens' new villain Kylo Ren and his signature cross guard lightsaber, fans have speculated on the masked figure's origins and motivations.

Director JJ Abrams gave us some tidbits during lengthy interviews with Entertainment Weekly and Empire magazine, but fans have been hungry for more news on these character. Thanks to the folks over at IGN, we have some fresh new information to dissect.

The website was able to secure one of the new Kylo Ren action figures, one of many Force Awakens themed toys unveiled by Disney earlier this week. The toy comes with a few preprogramed lines of dialogue that can be activated through a button at the back of the figure. The toy clearly uses the voice of Adam Driver, the actor playing Ren, but it seems to have been enhanced to sound more ominous. Most of the lines don't reveal much, but there are a few that will reinforce some long running fan speculation about Ren.

Many diehards have speculated that Kylo Ren is some sort of Darth Vader admirer who is trying to collect relics that belonged to the former Sith Lord. The first teaser trailer which aired last December had a quick shot of Vader's burned mask. While a recent post on Instagram revealed that Ren will square off against John Boyega's character Finn in a lightsaber duel at some point.

Fans believe that the blue lightsaber wielded by Finn in the Instagram video used to belong to Vader, and that Ren has hunted down Finn in order to secure it.

The Kylo Ren toy features a few lines of dialogue that may support this theory:

  • "That weapon is mine"
  • "You know what I've come for"
  • "Is it true...you're just a scavenger?"

Could Ren be addressing Finn in these lines? We'll have to wait until the film releases on December 17 to find out. To see the rest of the news on the action figure, check out IGN's article.

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