Taylor Swift 'Wildest Dreams' Music Video Faces Colonialism Issue

Taylor Swift is undeniably one of the most talked-about personalities in Hollywood now. But not only for her music. The award winning singer is now again facing another controversy about her music video.

The recently launched video of her single 'Wildest Dreams' is being accused of portraying colonialism messages. The film which was set in Africa features Scott Eastwood and plenty of wildlife and stunning landscape of the region. The steamy chemistry between the singer and Eastwood and their passionate kisses are not the only ones which caught the attention of the viewers.

The video tells the story of two of two Hollywood stars who fell in love with each other while filming. Though that is the message that Taylor is trying to convey, many viewers reacted in the opposite way. The video who intends to feature old-school Hollywood romance ended up showing old-school Hollywood romance which gained many negative reactions.

According to critics, the video exhibits the tragic history that the African people have been trying to forget for years. Joseph Kahn, the director of the video defends and explains the content of the film. Kahn claims that the film is purely about a love story shot in ancient Africa and not about colonialism.

The video was inspired by the classic romantic movies like 'Out of Africa' and 'The African Queen'. The director defends, "There are black Africans in the video in a number of shots, but I rarely cut to crew faces outside of the director as the vast majority of screentime is Taylor and Scott."

Kahn adds that there are no black people seen on the video but the creative team who made the film includes many black people. In fact, the team is diverse in terms of nationality and origin. The creators only decided not to include black actors because they might be accused of rewriting history.

The team is positive that they are not conveying any political agenda in the video. They all work hard for it and they are proud of it.

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