Baby Rescued Lehigh River: Mom Tosses Baby 52 Feet Above Lehigh River Survived!

Baby rescued Lehigh River- It was a miracle for a 1-year-old infant to survive after her young mother tossed him to Allentown Bridge 52 feet above Lehigh River. Witnesses claim that the mother then followed by jumping into the water.

According to the Allentown Police Department, On Sunday around 1: 45 p.m., the mother identified as Johnesha Perry was pushing a stroller across Hamilton Street Bridge. However to everyone's shock, the mother took her child, the baby rescued Lehigh River and quickly threw him from the bridge.

"They saw her lift the baby out of the stroller and just, right over." said Allentown police captain William Reinik, one of the responders to the scene.

It was a puzzle for everyone how a 19-year-old mother can throw her own child into the river. But investigators are looking on the possibility of considering the case as murder-suicide, the News Max reported.

Upon witnesses report, Allentown Police Department headed by police officers Joseph Iannetta and John Leonard were just in time to save the infant, who was flown into the water 700 yards down river. Leonard performed CPR to the baby rescued Lehigh River while Perry collapsed under the bridge.

After the baby rescued Lehigh River, the officers rushed Perry and her son to Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest in Salisbury Township. Although both of them were in serious condition, both are expected to survive, the Travelers reported. Perry sustained minimal injuries.

After the dangerous incident where the baby was rescued from Lehigh River, the Lehigh County sheriffs are now looking on the case of the mother and son as murder-suicide. Perry faces two counts of aggravated assault and reckless endangerment.

Up to this moment, the reason why Perry tossed her 1-year-old baby into the water remains undisclosed. After baby was rescued from Lehigh River, a hefty construction project is ongoing to prevent cases as this by building fences along Hamilton Street Bridge.

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