Sea Lion San Diego Man Incident Attack Left Man, 62 with Wounds After Sea Lion Dragged Man 20 Feet Under Water

Sea Lion, San Diego man- A man fell overboard after a sea lion attacked the man holding fish while posing for a photo in the Mission Beach Channel. The Sea Lion, San Diego man attack pulled the 62-year-old man 20 feet under in Mission Bay. He was rescued by San Diego lifeguards on Sunday.

Capt. Joe Amador, a spokesman with the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department stated that the lifeguards had been alert in saving the man.

The official said that the Sea Lion San Diego man attack incident took place around 4 p.m. where the man was drowned into the water and was released immediately quite a few seconds later.

"We estimated that he was in the water for 15 to 20 seconds. At that point, the sea lion let go and he was able to jump back into his boat," San Diego lifeguard Lt. John Sandmeyer told FOX 5.

The sea lion dived into the boat where the man holding fish was standing for photo shoot. The sea lion attacked him as it attempts to get the fish he's holding. The man fell into the deep water and was rescued by San Diego lifeguards. The 62-year-old man was taken ashore and was checked by the medics.

The ABC News reports that the Sea Lion San Diego man attack incident made the man suffered bruises and cuts on his hands and feet. The unidentified man was brought to the nearest hospital for immediate treatment through an ambulance.

Boaters at the port could not believe that Sea Lion San Diego man attack incident could happen. But they were convinced that sea lions are getting more aggressive these days.

Erik Kopp, a boater stated that before sea lions will do nothing when you approach them, but now they're chasing when you try to get on your boat.

The Sea Lion San Diego man attack incident is a rare case, but in Sitka Alaska, a 19-year-old man was bitten on his rear as he was sitting on the boat railing.

A bigger sea lion surfaced out of the water and gnawed him. The biting incident left the teenager more than a few huge scratch marks but he did not sustain any wound.

Alaska region spokeswoman for the National Marine Fisheries Service stated that the incident could perhaps be traced from the notion that the sea lion associated people for food making it more hostile, the ADN reports.

The Sea Lion San Diego man attack incident made some boaters alert around the marina since it happened. Now, it could be threatening that sea lions could hurt people.

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