Dog Flu Shot: Does Your Pet Really Need Dog Flu Shot?

Dog Flu Shot was thought to be the best remedy to prevent your pet from acquiring canine influenza virus (CIV). But does your pet really needs Dog Flu Shot? Dog flu scare has affected Chicago area leading to thousands of dogs ill while leaving five dead.

The Chicago Park District posted warning signs that says "Please enter this dog friendly area (DFA) at your own risk" citing that the area could be contaminated with dogs that have acquired the canine influenza virus (CIV) and all pets without dog flu shot could be at risk.

Is your pet really at risk without dog flu shot?

"It's almost an epidemic," Dr. Jerry Klein, who's supervising veterinarian at the Chicago Veterinary Emergency Center and handling around 15 cases of canine flu everyday told CBS station. "I've been here for 35 years, it's probably the worst type of outbreak I've ever experienced."

At the midst of the flu outbreak, three of PetSmart branches including the South Loop, Evanston, and Lincoln Park have shut down to prevent spread of the infection.

According to Dr. Becker of, the dog flu shot or CIV vaccine does not prevent infection, but it lessens viral shedding when dog is infected.

It is also known to reduce the severity of the infection and duration. However, Dr. Becker added that the dog flu shot won't prevent your dog from acquiring the influenza virus.

Dr. Becker stated that most dogs living at home won't get canine influenza virus (CIV), and if ever it does, its healthy immune system will be enough to combat the infection without the need of s dog flu shot.

Does your pet needs a dog flu shot? stated that dog flu shot is a non-core vaccine and by giving too many non-core vaccines to your pet could severely compromise its immune system. Most seriously, it could hamper your pet's protection against influenza virus.

Giving dog flu shot is always thought the best remedy to prevent pets from acquiring influenza virus.

But the real thing is, the best prevention is making sure that your pets have strong immune system. Owners must also provide their pets balance-diet and encourage the use of organic immune boosters that will help your dogs fight the virus.

With the outbreak of flu influeza virus these days, will you have your pet have a dose of dog flu shot?

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