McDonald’s McCafé Goes Hipster? Learn All About McDonald’s New Coffee Strategy!

As the fast food chain giant sees some of its worst numbers in years, McDonald's McCafé is hoping to begin 2015 with the right foot, applying a strategy never before seen in the house of Ronald McDonald: a new coffee house that serves only super healthy food, hoping to entice lost customers back in.

The fast food chain with the golden arches creating an M has seen its worst year in a decade, with several months dropping in sales rapidly; now, as a part of a new strategy that involves cutting menu items at the start of 2015, there's also a new McDonald's McCafé aimed at a more gourmet and health-driven audience.

After months of stunts like hiring a Mythbuster to speak out about the plants and processes in McDonald's and gourmet burgers, it's only now that the Ronald McDonald team focuses on the very heart of its restaurants: the menus.

The new McDonald's McCafé is called "The Corner" and was released in Sydney, Australia, according to Take Part, in an attempt to vamp up the famous food chain and keep up with its times. Besides a McCafé little logo, there's little to say that this place belongs to the fast food giant, as it serves items like Moroccan roast chicken breast, eggplants, pumpkins and chipotle pulled pork.

But what exactly is McDonald's McCafé's "The Corner"? Skye Oxenham, a spokeswoman for the big company, told Business Insider Australia that the venue had was supposed to be "a Learning Lab where we are testing completely new and different food and beverages never before seen in our restaurants."

Definitely a 180 degrees turn for the ever-growing McDonald's McCafé reign! Although competing with some other big companies serving coffees and breakfast menu items like Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, the new maneuvers are definitely interesting to watch.

It's also no surprise that Sydney is welcoming the landmark healthy McDonald's café, as it's been a test spot for products for the company for a while, including gourmet burgers during the last fall.

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