Ben Affleck Net Worth: ‘Argo’ Director, Most Overpaid Actor In The World?

Following a new Forbes list where he's in the "top 10" of the most overpaid actors in show business, the world has been wondering what is currently Ben Affleck's net worth - as he will be playing Bruce Wayne/Batman in theaters come 2016, how much is he making?

While many have thought that Ben Affleck's net worth puts him in the highest of places because of how successful he is in the box office, it seems this is hardly the case; the actor, screenwriter and director isn't all that bankable at all, yet he's among the highest paid actors in Hollywood.

According to Perez Hilton, the 2014 list of Hollywood's most overpaid actors includes some odd names, and the two-time Oscar-winning multitalented Affleck definitely made it to the top 10, regardless of Ben Affleck's net worth in the last few years.

Comedian Adam Sandler took up the first spot in the Forbes list of overpaid actors of 2014, for the second year in a row, according to Beauty World News. Other big names that also made the list are Johnny Depp, Channing Tatum, Sandra Bullock, Denzel Washington, Will Ferrell, Tom Hanks, Ryan Reynolds and Ben Stiller - and that's just the top ten, where Ben Affleck's net worth takes spot number 10.

While Affleck hasn't had any major box office flops - not since movies like the infamously bad "Gigli," that is -, it seems that the return of investment on his appearance in a film is fairly low for an actor who gets paid as much as Affleck does: according to the Boston Globe, on average,

Affleck returns $9.37 for every dollar a studio pays him to be in a film, a fairly low average for such a big name.

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Ben Affleck's net worth is currently around $75 million - so, just imagine what it'd be like if his films made as much money as studios expect them to make!

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