Fatty Liver, Causes and Diet

Fatty liver is also known as hepatic steatosis. Minimal amount of fats in the liver is considered safe but the accumulation of 5 to 10 percent fats in the liver would mean fatty liver.

Fatty liver may be divided into alcoholic, non-alcoholic liver disease and non-viral hepatitis. These disorders cause inflamed liver leading to cirrhosis, which is defined as severe liver scarring.

In the statistics, over 15 million people in the U.S. abuse alcohol, and 90 to 100 percent of these drinkers would develop fatty liver. This type is caused many factors including genetics or heredity, alcohol consumption, diet, obesity, iron overloading and hepatitis C.

Women, people consuming more than 25 grams of alcohol, obese and binge drinkers are the most at risk in developing Alcoholic fatty liver.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease may or may not bring harm to the person depending on its severity. However, serious type of Non-alcoholic fatty liver called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis may lead to cirrhosis that can leads to liver damage, cancer and even death.

People with Non-alcoholic fatty liver experience weight loss, fatigue and pain on the upper right abdominal area. With the advent of technology and use of homeopathy, this disease can now be managed when detected early.

Improvoing insulin levels, use of antioxidants to protect the liver and treating associated diseases such as hyperlipidemia and diabetes are the ways to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver. Losing weight is also an essential step to reduce inflammation of the liver.

Ideally losing 10 percent of weight improves release of enzymes in the liver that work by lessening the liver inflammation.

Incorporate these foods in the daily diet to help you attain a healthy liver:

Garlic can activate the enzyme in the liver that could eliminate the toxins. It also has active proponents, selenium and allicin that help in cleansing the liver.

Turmeric helps the enzymes in flashing out carcinogens and other toxic substances in the body.

Cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower assist in enhancing the release of detoxifying enzyme that eliminates toxins.

Walnuts have omega-3-fatty-acids and glutathione that works best in liver cleansing.

Limes and lemons are boosting in Vitamin C that enhances the elimination of toxic materials from the liver.

Apple contains pectin that is needed in eliminating toxins from the digestive system.

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