Dec 21, 2015 10:20 AM EST
Have Insomnia? Milk Collected at Night can Help Fight Against Insomnia

One person or the other has probably had trouble sleeping at night but for some, Insomnia is an illness that requires medication. Lack of sleep is the most debilitating illness that affects people's daily lives which includes stress at work, personal relationships, bad diets or unhealthy eating and physical stress.

No doubt your parents' have tried giving you a warm glass of milk at night to help you lull yourself to sleep. They might not be too far from the cure. 

Researchers have found that milk collected from sleepy cows can become the best aid for insomnia. It does have a certain connection, sleepy cows contain sleepy milk that can help induce sleepy people.

Studies being conducted by a team at Sahmyook University in Seoul, South Korea focused their experiments on sleepy mice with milk that has been collected from cows during night time.

The researchers fed these mice the "sleepy night milk" and in a few minutes the mice began to slow down, became much more sluggish and fell asleep much faster compared to normal. 

Cows have a higher level of melatonin and tryptophan in their system. The same chemicals are also present in the cow's udders. The night milk contains 10x more melatonin and 24% more tryptophan. The chemical laced milk contains better sleep-inducing capabilities and advantages compared to day-collected milk. According to a publication in the Journal of Medicinal Food, both chemicals decreases anxiety and regulates biorhythm. 

This welcoming news can be a beneficial and cheaper alternative to millions of insomnia suffering Americans.

The research though has not yet been tested on human subjects, but drinking milk is sure not going to be a big problem in search for the cure to sleeplessness.

As Carl Bazil, director in Columbia University's Neurology department said,

It's not a bad thing. Better than everybody taking Ambien.