Surprising Reasons Why You Should Eat Banana Everyday

Banana is a staple fruit that comes readily available no matter what time of the year. It is sweet, versatile, and yes a powerful fruit that provides nutrients no other fruit can offer.

Banana can be eaten fresh, used in a vegetable dish, sweetened, made as dessert, baked or can be turned into a flavorful shake.

Bananas are often underestimated, and sometimes ignored in a buffet table. But upon knowing its many benefits, you will not look into bananas the same way again.

Health experts claim bananas are one of the healthiest fruits on earth. Do you want to know the reasons why? Here's surprising reasons why you should eat banana everyday:

A banana contains tryptophan that is transformed to serotonin, a feel-good brain neurotransmitter that is known to combat depression. Tryptophan also helps in improving one's memory.

Banana is a powerhouse of potassium and generally it is low in salt. The Food and Drug Administration classifies banana as the best defense against stroke, heart attack and high blood pressure.

Banana is rich in iron that is good in preventing anemia.

Banana is a good source of energy. This is the reason why it is advised to eat two bananas before any exhausting exercise or workout. Bananas can protect and maintain the level of sugar in the blood so you won't get hungry in the middle of your workout.

Bananas are perfect source of calcium that can safeguard your teeth and bones.

A study in Imperial College of London suggests that children who eat at least one piece of banana everyday have 34 percent less chances of having asthma.

Eating bananas everyday in the first two years of life is an essential factor that fights children's leukemia. Banana is a good source of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that fights cancer.

Bananas are also rich in fiber that can lower the risk of developing colon cancer.

Worried about your heart? Banana contains high content of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, potassium and fiber that can protect your heart. Potassium lowers risk to developing ischemic heart disease, stroke and other heart problems.

Banana is a known treatment for diarrhea with its high potassium content. Electrolytes that are lost in the course of diarrhea could be easily restored by eating this powerful fruit.

There are still more reasons why you should keep banana in your grocery list. Have you ever wondered how your health will improve if you eat it regularly?

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