California Nurses Ebola Strike: U.S. Nurses Go On Strike Over Ebola Unpreparedness

Roughly 20, 000 California nurses will be walking out for Ebola strike beginning Tuesday morning for a two-day protest. The nurses were allegedly complaining on the issue unpreparedness to fight the deadly Ebola virus.

The scheduled protest is seen to affect about 86 Kaiser Permanente clinics and hospitals over 15 states that extend to District of Columbia, according to National Nurses United union. The registered nurses are protesting over lack of safeguard handling practices that puts patients, nurses and other frontline health staff at risk.

California Nurses Ebola Strike was formed following reported incidences of nurse being infected with Ebola as they attend to their patients. California nurses were pertaining to the two nurses, Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, who were infected with Ebola while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan at the Texas Presbyterian Hospital.

Although the two nurses had been cured from the deadly virus, hospital front liners including doctors, nurses and other staff are still exposed in higher risk.

Part of the request of California Nurses Ebola Strike was to receive proper personal protective equipment including full-body hazmat suits and air purifying respirators approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

"Nurses, who have been willing to stand by the patients whether it's the flu, whether it's Ebola, whether it's cancer, are now being asked to put themselves in harm's way unprotected, unguarded," stated National Nurses United Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro.

California Nurses Ebola Strike is also focused on over 35 operational proposals that include better protection, more education and training and filling up of vacated 2, 000 nursing positions. On Wednesday, Nov. 12, the California nurses will be walking out with other nurses across the states marking the "National Day of Action."

In the latest survey conducted by National Nurses United shows that 85 percent out of the 3, 000 nurses and 1, 000 hospitals claim insufficient training and unpreparedness to battle Ebola.

California Nurses Ebola Strike will continue Wednesday as the nurses claimed that there were still no actions even after three months of talks. Do you think U.S.A. is not yet fully ready for Ebola just as the nurses claimed?

 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had already issued guidelines on equipment to protect against Ebola, but the California nurses are fed up with no changes and no actions. They think, Ebola strike is just right.

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