Plane Hits Buffalo Before Takeoff Shockingly Endangering Live of Hundreds

Plane hits buffalo minutes before takeoff. Planes usually get into contact with a lot of things, both living and unliving, before takeoff, but imagine the shock on the pilot when his Boeing 737 was hit by of all things, a buffalo on the runway.

A plane in Mumbai became the brunt of online jokes after the plane hit a buffalo on its way to taking off. A Spice Boeing 737-800 aircraft was performing its take off drill when the plane ran over a buffalo that had strayed into the airport and onto the runway.

The incident of a plane hitting buffalo occurred in Mumbai, India at the Surat International Airport, the fourth largest airport in India. The incident occurred at night. The buffalo was hidden from plain sight since it was dead in the night and the buffalo, being black in color, was concealed in the darkness. However, the entrance of the buffalo into an airport is simply inexcusable.

The incident has led to a reviewing of airport security guidelines in Mumbai, with the Surat Airport cancelling all flights out of Surat.

The plane's captain reported that no single passenger was injured during the incident. The only fatality reported was that of the buffalo.

The air plane's engine was severely damaged by the hit, rendering it functionless. "If the plane had taken off after this, we would have crashed. Thank God we were saved," said Prabhakar Joshi, one of the passengers from the plane.

The passengers were transported by another plane to their destination after the plane hits buffalo fiasco simmered down.

This is apparently not the first time an animal has wandered into an airbase in India. Last month, a jackal was spotted on the runway of an airport in Kochi while just in 2012, a pig blocked the tarmac in Mumbai causing the pilot to abort the flight. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the plane hits buffalo story.

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