Leila Knight’s Fiancé, Jose Canseco Accidentally Shoots Himself

Leila Knight's fiancé, Jose Canseco accidentally shoots himself while cleaning his gun Tuesday.

Canseco, 50, was cleaning one of his four guns Tuesday at the kitchen of his Las Vegas home when the gun accidentally discharged and blew off the middle finger of his left hand, the Daily News reported. The couple moved to their Vegas home about two years ago.

Leila Knight, actress and model, also told TMZ Sports that Canseco was sitting at a table in their home cleaning the gun when it went off. Knight says her fiancé did not know the gun was loaded and the shot ripped through his left hand's middle finger.

"The middle finger was hanging by a thread, and I wrapped his hand in a towel and then called 911. The doctors said they would either have to amputate or do reconstructive surgery. But if they do surgery, he won't be able to use it again. He blew away an artery and a big bone chunk," said Knight to Daily News.

According to Knight, the former baseball all-star was taken to University Medical Center in Las Vegas. It is not yet clear how long will the former major league slugger would stay in the hospital.

After Knight's 911 call, Las Vegas Police officers arrived at their home. Knight filed a report to the authorities. The gun, a Ruger pistol and the three other guns are licensed to Canseco.

"At first the police asked me if we were in a fight. I said of course we weren't. We have four guns in the house. We are now going to have zero. I hate guns," Knight said. "Jose is a little freaked out...But we're extremely lucky, lucky it wasn't worse, or that he didn't shoot me."

Knight said Canseco have always kept and used guns when she met him and uses it for "protection, self-defense".

Knight and Canseco have been together since 2009 after they met at the Playboy Mansion. 

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