Man Faked Coma for two Years to Avoid Court Prosecution

Tags: Man faked coma for two years, man faked coma, coma for two years man, fake coma

Man faked coma for two years to avoid being prosecuted for forgery and fraud. The UK man who was living, nay, sleeping a lie for two years has had his dreams cut short with possible jail time.

Alan Knight was charged with multiple counts of theft and for making false representations to people for gain. To be exact, he was charged with defrauding an elderly neighbor of 40,000 pounds. So how could he avoid prosecution? The man faked coma for two years!

Knight was arrested for the theft in 2012. However, he delayed going to court citing health concerns. He claimed to be a quadriplegic who suffered periodic seizures that left him in a comatose state. With the help of his wife, he took pictures of himself lying in bed surrounded by medical equipment. The pictures were presented in court as evidence of the man's coma.

Alan's wife was the UK man's chief aid during the period. She helped the man fake coma for two years through her insistence on the man's poor health condition but only for so long. Knight was spotted by video cameras as he went shopping with his wife. The video tape evidence was brought by the police in court as evidence of Alan's deceit.

Knight was finally ordered to appear before court this week after a long time out of the court room. Knight made his appearance on a wheelchair with a neck brace on his neck. On production of the video evidence, however, Knight pleaded guilty of the charges. He will be sentenced on November 7.

The sitting judge stated, "Although a very accomplished and determined actor, he is in nothing like the condition he claims to be, and the conditions he claims to be suffering from are simply non-existent."

What a poor ending for the UK man who faked coma for two years.

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