Is Aldi's Bacon Grown In A Lab? Social Media Is A Buzz

Ever scrolled through social media and stumbled upon a mind-blowing claim? This one's a doozy. Recently, a rumor circulated stating that Aldi's store brand, Appleton Farms Bacon, used cells instead of swine to create everyone's favorite breakfast staple. Could this be true?

According to the Associated Press, folks are spreading "news" across the interwebs that the Appleton Farms bacon sold at retail chain Aldi's was made by a mad scientists in a lab! This can be filed under "myth-busted" rather than "meat science breakthrough." Aldi set the record straight, confirming to AP that the bacon is made traditionally and "not produced through cultivated lab practices."

What Sparked the Confusion?

It seems a case of mistaken identity is to blame. A separate Canadian company named Appleton Meats, founded in 2017, focuses on cellular agriculture - growing meat from animal cells in a lab setting. While this technology holds promise for the future of food production, it's not yet available for everyday shoppers at Aldi.

What Is Cultivated Meat?

Lab-grown meat, also known as cultivated meat, is still very much in its early stages. While the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently approved the sale of lab-grown chicken, it'll likely be a while before you see test-tube pork belly sizzling in your pan.

So, next time you see a social media post that seems too strange to be true, take a moment to fact-check it with a reputable source. In the meantime, enjoy your Aldi bacon, knowing it comes from a good old-fashioned farm and not a science fiction plot line.

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