8 Nutritious Foods You Can Eat While on a Keto Diet

Keto is one of the most popular methods for weight loss. It may come as a surprise to some people, but when done right, this diet is real and proven effective. Even if you are following a ketogenic diet, you can still consume some foods that are high in nutrients!

1. Seafood

Unsplash/David B Townsend

The ketogenic diet is best suited for fish and shellfish. In addition to being almost entirely carbohydrates-free, salmon and other fish are abundant inpotassium, B vitamins, and selenium.

On the other hand, the carbohydrate content of shellfish varies depending on the kind. While shrimp and most crabs do not contain any carbohydrates, octopus and oysters do. On the keto diet, you are permitted to consume these items; nevertheless, it is essential to carefully monitor the amount of carbohydrates you consume to remain within the acceptable range.

2. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are an ideal choice for those following a ketogenic diet because they contain meager carbohydrates. Additionally, they are rich in the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that they have.

Iron and vitamin K are particularly abundant in dark leafy greens like collard, spinach, and kale. Moreover, herbs like oregano and rosemary contribute a substantial flavor while containing nearly no carbohydrates.

3. Berries

Berries are an excellent option for those following a ketogenic diet who wish to snack on fruit. With fruits being naturally higher in carbohydrates, you still need to ensure that your servings are small. Raspberries are an excellent choice because they contain a remarkable amount of fiber. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), each half cup has 1.7 grams of net carbohydrates.

4. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is frequently substituted for other starchy foods instead of sweet potatoes when not in season. To make a delicious side dish, simply mash them with garlic and olive oil. As per USDA, there are just 3.2 grams of net carbohydrates in one cup of cauliflower florets.

5. Almond Milk

Consider using almond milk if you desperately need a liquid foundation for a smoothie or simply want to sip on something. USDA reported that this non-dairy alternative can be incorporated into your ketogenic diet because it contains approximately one net carb gram per cup. A cup of soy milk, such as the one offered by Silk, contains two grams of net carbohydrates and seven grams of protein. However, be sure to examine the list of ingredients and select a kind that does not have any added sugar.

6. Avocados

Avocados are considered to be one of the best sources of healthy fats. It is rich in vitamins K, C, and E, fiber, potassium, and its high monounsaturated oil content.

7. Egg

As a source of protein that is both adaptable and inexpensive, eggs ought to be a regular component of the keto diet. They are also an excellent source of Choline, which is essential for maintaining healthy brain function. Accordingly, Choline is a nutrient that boosts cognitive function and reduces inflammation.

8. Dark chocolate

Always keep some dark chocolate on hand to satisfy my craving for anything sweet. Dark chocolate is not only delicious but also contains many antioxidants. When looking for the best results, look for dark chocolate containing 100% cacao or, at the very least, anything with a cocoa level of 70% or higher.

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