What Did Amanda Bynes Tweets Say Before Being Put In Treatment?

Amanda Bynes - The actress has been put in treatment since last Friday, Oct. 10 in a Pasadena Facility. Before that, she went on a frenzy of twitter posts that day.

This year has been one with tons of news about Amanda Bynes. She has been causing commotion to places she has been was even caught apparently shoplifting last week.

And that is very little from the entire flush of different events that the former actress from "What I Like About You" has been involved in.

On Friday, Oct. 10, she was entered into a Facility called Las Encinas Hospital in Pasadena by her parents, according to the Daily Mail. It appears to be that she could have an extended stay of one year there.

Before being admitted, though, she had a string of tweets in her account that were changing and morphing several times.

"So I'm literally on the cover of every magazine right now," was the one she started with.

"F*** I just need a tremendous amount of facial surgery," came 20 minutes after.

"Tabloids always choose the most hideous shots of me and I know it's because I called so many people ugly but I'm not insane," was tweeted a minute later.

"So if the magazines would please stop acting like I need mental help I would really appreciate it," another minute passed with this one.

"What I need help with is looking pretty," Bynes posted in the same minute.

And that is a little portion of the twitter posts that took part that day. Eight more came after that one and then nothing else. It could be assumed that not longer after that she was hospitalized.

Apparently, what TMZ reported is that they are trying to get an LPS Hold which is a document that entitles a person to be able to medicate and confine another person against their will.

It is for people who are in Psychiatrics because they could be dangerous to themselves and to society, so someone with a close relationship to the person can apply for it.

Amanda Bynes also posted that day "facts" about her dad that included him abusing her, but later on they were deleted by her apparently. She did finish off the subject with one more thing to say from her part.

"My dad never did any of those things. The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me."

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