Why Should You Do Sous Vide in Your Kitchen

do sous vide
Alyson McPhee on Unsplash

Sous Vide cooking has become a popular cooking technique in the last few years, with all the introduction of cooking shows to the mass media.

The cooking technique is closely connected with the modernist cooking style. Home sous vide machines are no joke when it comes to its prices.

It costs around $200 for ones that you can use with your kitchenware. But is it worth it?

Sous Vide Cooking

Sous vide is a French term that means "under vacuum." It was invented in France about 40 years ago and has been utilized by some restaurants. Currently, doing sous vide is now popular in home kitchens.

Sous vide is vacuum-sealing food in plastic pouches and simmering it in a temperature-controlled water bath. To do this French cooking technique, you will need a machine called immersion circulator to keep the water at the right temperature.

This style claims to cook food perfectly as the temperature is rightly regulated. The food remains intensely flavorful as all juices and seasonings remain in the bag.

Why Should You Do It?

The French cooking technique might make you reluctant to try it first, with the use of plastic and expensive machine to do it, you might be discouraged.

Reputable restaurants do it, and if you enjoy eating out so much, maybe you should give sous vide a chance before turning it down. One of the reasons you should do sous vide is because it eliminates your doubt about food safety and cooking time.

Doing sous vide in your kitchen removes your worry or embarrassment if you did the cooking right, especially if you have visitors coming. It is also suitable for cooking expensive steak.

Endless doubts will be gone as sous vide guarantees that your steak is cooked just the way you want it. Buying a machine needed to do sous vide might sound expensive at first. But it is an investment that would let you include practicality in your cooking methods.

For instance, you can cook a wide range of food at the same time. Maybe you want more spices with your chicken, but the rest of the family just wants a pinch of salt and pepper to marinate for theirs.

You would never have to choose when you can do both.Of course, cooking can be messy in the kitchen. But not with sous vide.

All the cleanup you need to do is throwing the plastic bag the food was sealed in and the pan you used. If you worry about the plastic waste in this type of cooking technique, there are reusable silicone bags in the market.

Best Foods to Cook Sous Vide

Braising meats is perfect for sous vide as it needs to be cooked low and slow. The cooking process will make sure to soften every meat fiber.

Vegetables are also perfect for sous vide as it will bring more flavor while preserving nutrition.

Sous vide cooking also suits for custard-type desserts. You can place them in Mason jars instead of the usual plastic pouches.

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