Health Benefits of Almonds According to Science

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If you're planning on revamping your diet and going for the healthier route, you may notice that the nuts often suggested are macadamia or pecan. However, almonds can also be an excellent addition to your diet as they are high in fiber, protein, and Vitamin E. To know more about the health benefits of almonds, check the list below.

It can help better your cholesterol levels

Although almonds contain high-fat content, research shows that almonds can still contribute to lowering your cholesterol level. When you eat almonds, your body increases high-density lipoproteins. Also referred to as the "good cholesterol," the high-density lipoproteins absorb cholesterol and carry it back to the liver, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Aside from that, eating almonds can also lower your blood pressure.

Almonds lower your blood pressure

If you have high blood pressure, you may want to snack on almonds. In a study conducted on men between the ages of 20 and 70, their intake of almonds helped improve blood flows in their arteries. Also, the study, which was held for four weeks, proved that the respondents had higher amounts of magnesium in their body, which is also an indication of low blood pressure.

Prevent cardiovascular diseases

Since almonds have good cholesterol in their composition, they actually lessen the risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases. This is because almonds contain high levels of Vitamin E.

People who have high Vitamin E levels in their system are 30 to 40% unlikely to suffer heart diseases. So you may want to add almonds to your diet to lower the oxidative protein in your body. For a healthier and happier heart, almonds just might be your answer.

Aside from a generally good heart condition, consuming almonds also help in losing visceral fat. You also lessen the chances of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

You can also reduce cancer risks with almonds

Nuts are always good food to combat the risk of breast cancer. Coupled with an overall healthy lifestyle, people who consume nuts, particularly almonds, reduce their chances of suffering cancer by up to three times more compared to those who do not eat nuts.

Like with heart diseases, the higher the Vitamin E you have in your body, the fewer chances you are to have cancer. So gobble on those nuts (but with moderation!) to protect yourself from cancer cells.

Aside from those mentioned above, Vitamin E is also a great source of antioxidants, which is also responsible for battling free radicals found in the body cells.

Enhance your cognitive and neurological condition

Of course, we all know that old age is more susceptible to suffer neurological impairments such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. It helps to keep your brain active to improve its cognitive development. So why not try reading a book while you munch on almonds?

Studies show that foods that are high in Vitamin E help improve attention and memory alongside prevent cognitive decline. So make sure you include almonds in your daily diet, as it contains 17% of the riboflavin, which contributes to a better and healthier brain.

Almonds also help burn body fat

If you're working on that summer body or you simply want to lose weight, then toss in some almonds to your salads as they help in burning calories. Aside from that, almonds are also responsible for building stronger and well-toned muscles. For every ounce of almonds, it contains six grams of protein, making it the perfect snack in between meals if you're on a strict diet.

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