How Many PB&J Sandwiches Americans Eat in a Lifetime

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches have become so popular that the average American consumes close to 3000 sandwiches in a lifetime.

On April 2, in celebration of National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, 1,000 people all over the country were surveyed by Peter Pan Simply Ground Peanut Butter. The results? A huge 2,984 sandwiches in their entire lifetime. When stacked together, the sandwiches will measure 373 feet, even taller than New York City's Statue of Liberty.

According to the Daily Mail, the survey also theorized that most Americans would start eating their peanut butter and jelly (fondly called PB&J) sandwiches as early as four years old and that the average American eats 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter in one sitting.

However, the phenomenon is not limited to kids alone.

The average adult was found out to indulge in PB&J, at least, three times a month and nearly half of Americans eat a PB&J sandwich regularly.

The survey results also indicate that Americans prefer an exact half-and-half ratio for the jelly and peanut butter. Grape flavored jelly has also been proven to be American's favorite mix of PB&J while 59 percent prefer

According to New York Daily News, Brian Evangelista, Brand Manager of Peter Pan Peanut Butter that he finds it "interesting" that Americans still love PB&J.

"It's quite clear that people are passionate about their PB&J sandwiches, whether they like to stay traditional or add unique spins," says Evangelista.

"As the PB&J evolves with more and more complex ingredient combinations, it's apparent that this sandwich stands the test of time as a classic American favorite."

The company also surveyed those who skipped the jelly and who would rather have peanut butter alone. Thirty-six percent of the respondents say that they would rather have bananas with peanut butter while almost 15 percent eat peanut butter sandwiches with honey. Five percent enjoy bacon, marshmallows and butter in their PB&J while 10 add a sunny side up and bologna.

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