Can You Eat in 150 Fast Food Restaurants in 24 Hours? This Nigerian Did and Broke the World Record

A Nigerian man, Munachimso Brian Nwana, has broken the world record for the most fast food restaurants visited in 24 hours. Guinness World Records/Canva

Believe it or not, a Nigerian man named Munachimso Brian Nwana visited the most significant number of fast food restaurants ever in just 24 hours.

When he was just 22 years old, this content creator and food consultant pulled off this amazing feat in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital city, by visiting an astonishing 150 fast-food restaurants within that time frame.

A New Guinness World Record

Brian broke the record set in 2023 by an American YouTuber called Airrack (real name Eric Decker), who had visited one hundred restaurants.

All the more impressive is that Abuja’s poor public transport system meant he had to cover all these distances on foot! Yep, Brian was walking and did not take any transportation.

To succeed at breaking the record, he was required to buy and consume at least one food or drink item in each restaurant, with the condition that at least 75% of orders were for food. His team fed on some of it and other people, too, because Brian reportedly said, “probably enough to last a week.” Plus, he tried to taste something from each place he visited.

Brian's Reason Behind Breaking World Record

Moin moin (bean pudding) and àmàlà (a dough-like swallow food), which are Nigerian delicacies, were his favorites, but he also tried out various kinds of international fast foods, including shawarma, pizza, fried chicken, and burgers.

"New York has clusters of restaurants and adequate public transportation systems, so doing this in Abuja was much more daunting and challenging," Brian told Guiness World Record. He expects people from across the globe to be inspired by what he achieved to come over here for Nigerian dishes exploration.

Guinness World Records acknowledged Brian's achievement, while many Nigerians consider it as something heroic done by one of their own. This act has become a role model for many other people; it brought happiness and excitement in Abuja city among residents as well as outside its boundaries due to his fondness for food.

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