Watch Out for 'The Impossible Cheeseburger'- the burger that smells, tastes, looks and feels like the real meats

A Stanford University biologist and physician, and professor turned food entrepreneur has founded the secret to eating a hamburger without actually eating patties from meat, but plant!

Patrick O. Brown, incepted 'Impossible Foods' a team composed of over 50 scientists, farmers, chefs, and engineers with the aim to offer meat and cheese lovers an option to eat tasty and nutritious burgers with same nutritional benefits and great taste through their recent discovery 'plant blood.'

The vital constituent of the burgers developed by the company is 'heme', an iron compound found in blood hemoglobin, and also in the roots of nitrogen-fixing plants. The company has even succeeded in emulating not only the taste, but also the texture of real meats.

"Livestock is an antiquated technology," claimed by inventor Patrick Brown, a biochemistry scientist working in the research.

The 'new veg patty' discovery turns brown, sizzles and smells like the real hamburger meats. The actual patty tastes, looks and feels like real meat, according to reports. As the product is still in development, the production is done in small batches and each burger has an estimated value of $20.

Brown has named the burger 'version 4.0,' or 'The Impossible Cheeseburger.' Others claimed that the 'plant blood patty' tastes like more of a turkey burger rather than the big beefy patties.

Impossible Foods is also supported by Bill Gates amongst other prominent founders and was set up in University of Stanford. The project has a growing capital of $75 million, which was conceptualized three years ago.

The goal of their new discovery is to offer customers flavor of real meat without affecting their health and environmental. 'The Impossible Cheeseburger' is expected to be out on the stores by the end of 2015.

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